Mould in Your Home! Is it The Silent Killer?


Mould is sometimes referred to as the silent killer as it can have many severe side effects on your health. It can be really difficult to identify it as an underlying cause of your illness or poor health when you can’t see or smell it. It silently wipes out energy, triggers pain and even causes weight gain.

Although the symptoms may not seem lethal in the beginning, they can be life-threatening if you fail to manage mould at the right time.

Symptoms Associated with Mould Sickness

If you’re experiencing coughing, breathlessness, frequent headaches or any other respiratory disorders for very long and without relief, it’s time to do something about mould present in your home. The best way to discover the hidden mould is by conducting a mould test in order to identify whether or not the hidden mould is a reason behind your illness.

experiencing coughing, breathlessness, frequent headaches or any other respiratory disorders for very long and without relief, it’s time to do something about mould present in your home. The best way to discover the hidden mould is by conducting a mould test in order to identify whether or not the hidden mould is a reason behind your illness.

Mould usually develops in warm spaces where there is no proper air flow or that are not used frequently by the homeowners. Your lower rooms, bathrooms, closets and attic are the most susceptible areas because of the dirt, debris, and moisture. Make sure you routinely check those areas for any signs of leakage or moisture and get them repaired as soon as possible. Also, pay attention to the cleanliness of your home appliances as they can develop and grow mould very quickly.

How to Get Rid of Mold?

When it comes to mould removal, weeding out the root cause is the only permanent solution. Hence, look for the sources where mould can grow such as floors, ceilings, bathrooms, closets, and walls. 

  • Install a dehumidifier if your weather is humid as you’ll have more moisture in the air
  • Mould generally sets in cabinets and cupboards that are too close with the wall
  • Make sure to check your bathrooms routinely
  • Check behind decorative or furniture placed too close with the wall
  • Certain fabrics, particularly leather is usually affected by mould (if not placed in a well-ventilated wardrobe)

Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Mould

how to get rid of mold

Below you will find some of the most effective DIY ways that can help you get rid of mould without breaking your bank.

Use Borax (check local laws for its use)

Borax is a natural cleaning agent and is safe if compared with other harsh chemicals and substances used for mould removal. Mix 1 cup of borax with 1 liter of water and prepare a borax-water solution. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and use generously on the affected area. Scrub with a brush and leave the surface to dry. Your local hardware store may stock this mixture ready-made.


When it comes to DIY house cleaning, vinegar is certainly your best friend. Not only is it completely safe to use but also delivers quick and effective results. Some studies suggest that vinegar can kill up to 80% of mould species. Simply, fill some vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on the affected surfaces. Let it sit for 10 minutes and wipe with a clean towel.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is extremely effective in killing mould. Mix ½ tsp. of clove oil into a cup of water. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray the solution on the mouldy surface. Wipe off with the help of a damp towel. There you have it. These simple tips and DIY mould-killing recipes can help you get rid of mould faster. Make sure to thoroughly clean your kitchen and bathroom every 15 days to prevent mould development and its growth into your home. Keep in mind, there is nothing more important than your health and you should make every possible effort to stay healthy.

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