What’s Really in Our Drinking Water?

Drinking water in glass

Have you ever wondered whats’s really in our drinking water? Is our drinking water really safe to drink? Drinking water is among one of the most basic necessities without which human survival isn’t possible. But did you know the water your drink contains more than just hydrogen and oxygen? It contains contaminants and other impurities that can make our drinking water really unsafe and perilous for everyday use.

Sadly, corporations and authorities are extremely careless towards handling of this most precious natural resource. No matter how clean and pure the tap water may appear, it’s almost certain to include imperceptible quantities of pathogens and contaminants. Ideally, water treatment plants installed by authorities must comply with Safe Drinking Water Act and slash these unhealthy contaminants to acceptable standards that won’t cause any possible health risks.

As far as Australia is concerned, our declining water infrastructure can throw in pollutants and other toxic substances back to our drinking water. Outmoded wastewater management systems can mix with sewage water and pollute our surface water, aging pipes and valves can leech hazardous chemicals and heavy metals into the tap. These examples clearly show that while our water is pure and uncontaminated in the beginning, contamination issues show up as water is supplied to our homes.

One of the easiest and cost-effective ways to get rid of these sickening contaminants is to run your water through a filtration system that can ensure healthy, great-tasting water right from your tap.

At this point, you must have a clear understanding of the impact of contaminated water and why it’s important to invest in an effective water filter for your home.

Below you will find some of the most common yet dangerous water contaminants that hold power to make you sick in no time:


Lead is said to be one of the biggest water contaminants that pop in our water supply when pipes and faucets erode. Lead poisoning is particularly threatening for children as it can cause several developmental issues. Also, continuous exposure to lead may result in kidney and permanent brain damage. Research also suggests that lead in water can increase one’s blood pressure which itself is the root cause of many other diseases.


Drainage, surplus water from fields, landfill leakage and industrial waste are some of the major sources of mercury. Long-term exposure to mercury can cause severe kidney damage.


BPA is an industrial chemical that is primarily used in the production of plastic. It can easily absorb into food if the container is exposed to high heat or hard soaps. In addition to that, BPA is also present in the epoxy covering used in water pipes. Although research on the effects of BPA on food and liquid is still in progress, it’s associated with a wide range of health hazards and medical conditions including inflammation, obesity, and cancer.


While chlorine is an important element in disinfecting water from plenty of toxins and contaminants, exposure to excessive chlorine can bring about many medical problems including eye and nose irritation and nervous system damage.


Giardia Lamblia is a flagellated parasitic microorganism that can enter into our water supply system through sewage. Although Giardia can rarely cause any serious illness, it can still cause abdominal pain, nausea, and severe cramping.


While the list of poisonous water contaminants and chemicals may be long, your drinking water might also include some good stuff like fluoride, calcium, and magnesium that improve the taste and may also be good for your health.

There is no denying the fact that water is one of the basic necessities to stay healthy and alive, but it can also put your health at stake if polluted. Make sure to use only filtered water that complies with the water safety standards.

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